Our tax dollars fund this: "The National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, a division of the Library of Congress, maintains a free national library of braille materials. Playboy was selected on the basis of demonstrated reader interest; Congress funds free distribution of the braille edition."
(link to original Wired article here)
Ok, so some of you may remember this *possibly* incriminating photo of me posing with a Romanian issue of Playboy magazine. I can assure you I did not buy it, I read the article on Yoko Ono, and I drooled over the photo of Brad Pitt on the back cover.
You'd think Playboy for the blind would be like a pop-up book, but no... just Dirty Braille Pictures!
Haha! Funny, but that's not the real Playboy braille edition; the real braille issues don't contain pictures or ads, only words.
Forgot to ask: Why are you drooling with your tongue out as you're "reading the Yoko Ono article."
I'm drooling over Brad Pitt! (no offense to Yoko...)
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