Monday, December 31, 2007

Stay away from my plastic!!!

I saw this postcard on PostSecret and was immediately horrified! I can ignore complaints about the cover on my remote control and endure ridicule about it, but having someone violate me by removing plastic from my appliances and gadgets --- GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!

I wish I had the brilliant foresight to obtain a patent for the remote control cover. I'm sure millions of dollars have been made from "type A's", I mean buyers, in Asia alone. I don't want a disposable wussy little zip lock baggie, I want a real cover, but real ones are hard to find in the U.S.

For those who think I'm neurotic and just don't like having a dirty remote control think again! A study by"Dr. Germ" at Univ. of Arizona microbiology found that remote controls are the highest carriers of bacteria in a hospital room! (BTW - I highly recommend closing the toilet lid before flushing.) Hospitals can now purchase disposable remote controls from Nosocontrol (I love the name!) to help cut down on nosocomial infections.

Anyway, bottom line, don't touch the plastic on my stuff or I'll kick your butt to Azerbaijan. Don't know where that is? Just don't ask Miss Teen South Carolina to help you find it on a map.

Friday, December 21, 2007

'Tis the season...

... to toot away!

I received this holiday greeting card from the "airheads" at Environmental Analytical Services (air testing lab).

Monday, December 17, 2007

Deep in the Heart of Texas!

A few photos and commentary from a trip to Texas...

Texans on the environment...

"Don't mess with Texas" is an environment slogan for "don't litter" created in 1986. I had to do a couple of passes on the freeway to get this photo.

Texans on food...

I can't argue here, you can't go wrong with waffles and hunks of meat (from Rudy's eaten on "Texas china" with plastic ware - that's class!).

Texans on religion...

(Actually this was in USA Today, the #1 circulated newspaper in the U.S. - scary that that many people may be relying on pictures, charts, and diagrams to get their daily news!)

God on Texas...

He loves Texas, as evidenced by His rays of light!

Texans on footwear...

Laura's Nike shoes say "1st Lady" on them. Got to love 'em Bushes - they've got style!

Texans on art...

Soda cans glued together in the shape of a star hanging from the ceiling... how... creative and artistic...

Texans on gifts from Mexico...

The plaque says "Mi casa es tu casa" but what happened to the rest of the house?
(yes, I'm being facetious)

Texans on birds...

(don't watch if you're scared of birds)

Doggie toy?

Oh dear! Men, learn from this guy - don't urinate through a fence. Your penis may end up as doggie chew toy.

Pay to be a hero?

Money can buy you a lot of things, nowadays you can even buy your way to being a hero!

The highest bidder of this online Ebay auction will have bragging for saving the world from ...death and destruction (?) unleashed by the push of THE BUTTON.

And friends say *I* have too much time on my hands...