I had no idea what it was and thought a Star Wars geek was having fun with Photoshop. But then, I came across this article and suddenly it all made sense. But hey, like the reviewer said, if girls have toys, why can't boys have toys, too?
The Kansas City Police Department must be slow if they have time to investigate people shoplifting underwear. But what does it say about the economy if people are shoplifting underwear?
J Forensic Sci. 1998 Jan;43(1):203-4. Distinguishing between new and slightly worn underwear: a case study. Booth RF, Lott PF.
Regional Criminalistics Laboratory, Kansas City Missouri Police Department 64108-1535, USA.
This case study relates to a suspect accused of shop-lifting a pair of underwear briefs from a department store. The report presents a method that was used to distinguish between new and used underwear employing both laser examination for biological staining and microscopical examination for thread wear.
If you're at a university and have access to this journal, please please please email me a copy! I'm curious to find out the results!
Who says scientists are dull? Without the countless hours these admirable researchers spent in a lab, we would be deprived of the many advances and knowledge we take for granted today. For instance...
Know anyone with flatulence issues? Buy a few of these!
And if you think this is just a gimmick, then check out this research article in PubMed (a database of published literature):
Am J Gastroenterol. 2005 Feb;100(2):397-400. Effectiveness of devices purported to reduce flatus odor. Ohge H, Furne JK, Springfield J, Ringwala S, Levitt MD.
Minneapolis Veterans Affairs Medical Center, 1 Veterans Drive, Minneapolis, MN 55417, USA.
"OBJECTIVE: A variety of charcoal-containing devices are purported to minimize problems with odoriferous rectal gas; however, the evidence supporting the efficacy of these products is virtually all anecdotal. We objectively evaluated the ability of these devices to adsorb two malodorous, sulfide gases (hydrogen sulfide and methylmercaptan) instilled at the anus. METHODS: Via a tube, 100 ml of nitrogen containing 40 ppm of sulfide gases and 0.5% H(2) was instilled at the anus of six healthy volunteers who wore gas impermeable Mylar pantaloons over their garments. Since H(2) is not adsorbed by charcoal, the fraction of the sulfide gases removed could be determined from the concentration ratio of sulfide gas: H(2) in the pantaloon space relative to the ratio in instilled gas. RESULTS: Measurements with no device in place showed that subjects' garments removed 22.0 +/- 5.3% of the sulfide gases, and results obtained with each device were corrected for this removal. The only product that adsorbed virtually all of the sulfide gases was briefs constructed from an activated carbon fiber fabric. Pads worn inside the underwear removed 55-77% of the sulfide gases. Most cushions were relatively ineffective, adsorbing about 20% of the gases. CONCLUSIONS: The ability of charcoal-containing devices to adsorb odoriferous rectal gases is limited by incomplete exposure of the activated carbon to the gases. Briefs made from carbon fiber are highly effective; pads are less effective, removing 55-77% of the odor; cushions are relatively ineffective."
So the pads aren't as effective as the carbon fiber, but hey 55-77% is not bad. (link here)
"But it was an accident!" Uh huh. Accidental anal intercourse? Is there such a thing? Read on...
J Clin Forensic Med. 2005 Feb;12(1):1-4. Epub 2004 Dec 9. Accidental anal intercourse: does it really happen? Norfolk GA.
Stockwood Medical Centre, Hollway Road, Stockwood, Bristol BS14 8PT, UK. guy.norfolk@btinternet.com
"A postal survey was conducted of members of the Association of Forensic Physicians (UK) to determine whether accidental anal intercourse occurs in heterosexual relationships and, if so, whether intoxication by alcohol or drugs and sexual inexperience were likely to be causative factors. Of the 512 (47.9%) replies, there were 498 individuals who had had a previous heterosexual relationship and may have experienced accidental anal intercourse. Of these, there were 26 (7.2%) males and 14 (10.4%) females who reported at least one lifetime episode of accidental anal intercourse. Amongst those with a history of accidental anal intercourse, 79% reported that they were sexually experienced at the time and 83% reported that their partners were sexually experienced. Personal intoxication by alcohol or drugs at the time of accidental anal intercourse was reported by 43%, with 41% reporting that their partners were intoxicated."
If you're an unmarried Asian woman over the age of 30, I'm sure you're also "getting it" from your mom about how you should be married with at least one child by now. But if your mom isn't doing her Asian-mom-duties, then fear not! If you're dating a winner, simply go and get a marriage bra from Japan! It'll be a gentle nudge for you honey. If you're not dating, make sure to keep your mom away from seeing ads for the marriage bra lest you want to risk receiving one as your next gift.
It was a beautiful Sunday morning in San Francisco's Golden Gate Park. The sun was out, the sky was blue, and the temperature was warm. I was enjoying my post-run high and dutifully doing my stretches after finishing my half marathon. During one of my stretches on the lawn, through unfortunate timing, I was suddenly faced with an one-eyed "peeper" from a male runner's short shorts, a short distance from me. He was also sitting on the lawn stretching his legs. How he did not notice that he was hanging out for the world to see is beyond me. And how he was able to run 13.1 miles without "support" is also beyond me. Anyway, the scene inspired the theme for this blog entry.
Ever wonder how condoms are made? Take a factory tour!
For you programming nerds (and I mean that with the utmost respect for all you do), be careful! A simple spelling error can lead to this image seared into your brain... http://pythong.org/